2009년 4월 9일 목요일

Create Scala Project Using Eclipse Maven PlugIn

In this article, Id like to explain a way to create simple Scala Project using Eclipse Maven Plug-In. If you're already using Eclipse and Eclipse Maven Plug-In, create a new Scala project is very straightforward, too

See it in my wiki

Step 0. Requirements

l       Maven 2.0.8+

l       Eclipse 3.4.x

l       Eclipse Maven PlugIn
 (update site[1]: http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update/) 

l       Eclipse Scala PlugIn
 (update site[1]: http://www.scala-lang.org/scala-eclipse-plugin)

l       Scala Runtime

 [#1] Eclipse IDE Software Update : from menu, select "Help → Software Updates ... → Available Software" and copy update site

Step 1. Add Scala Repository to Maven Indexes

At First, add Scala Repository to Repository Index

 ( from Menu: Window -> ShowView -> Other -> Maven -> Maven Indexes)

Step 2: Create Maven App

Now you can see scala-tools.archetypes in Maven Project Wizard.

(from Menu: New -> Project -> Maven -> Maven Project)

Step 3: Check it and Run it

댓글 2개:

  1. Hi,

    Could you add the site url of the eclipse plugin you use (there is several plugin for maven, and 2 "versions" of the scala plugin ?

  2. I don't know exact version of the programs... I just installed them via Eclipse Software Update. plz. refer update site, I mentioned.
